
Using new theatre to drive HIV enlightenment campaign
juillet 2012 | Faits de société | Théâtre | Nigeria
Source : The Guardian


About the Impact of the New Theatre for a pragmatic HIV/AIDS Campaign
A university don has said that African countries need pragmatic strategies to enlighten its people on the severity of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, and that by their socio-environmental circumstances, one of the approaches that have been adopted is the New Theatre of DVD-to-screen format, which motion-colour attraction value should impress much of the youth in Africa, as exemplified in Scenarios for Africa programme.

Toni Duruaku, an Associate Professor in the Department of Theatre Arts, Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria, made the assertion at the African Theatre Association (AfTA) 2012 Annual International Conference at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, in a paper, titled, « The Impact of the New Theatre for a pragmatic HIV/AIDS Campaign: The Scenarios from Africa experience in Nigeria, » which he presented.

[Lire l’intégralité de l’article publié dans The Guardian]
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