
Gutter Rainbows – The Solo Exhibition by Johnson Zuze


Gutter Rainbows, by Johnson Zuze @ KooVha Gallery (4th June)

Every generation spawns a talent whose genius helps to define an entire genre, a seminal fountain that becomes an internationally relevant yardstick for those that come after. The work of Johnson Zuze is an inspired ode to the contemporary art movement the Energy of Objects. A phenomenon, some of the most startling and powerful work you’ll see this year. 

“Post apocalypse, only the greatest elements from the past are used to rebuild, and are elevated to a higher existence.” 

Gutter Rainbows: The Solo Exhibition, by Johnson Zuze

Opens 17:30, Thursday, 4 June, at KooVha Gallery, 146 Enterprise Road, Maestro Complex (Between Arcturus Road and Ridgeway Road)

RSVP: [email protected]  www.koovha.com


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