
Cairo, Lagos, Nairobi, Kinshasa, Johannesburg


Today, over half the world’s population lives in cities. In particular,
the regions of the Global South face rapid globalisation, with African
cities recording the highest urbanisation rates. The African contexts
have created specific urban structures, topographies and cultures,
notably different from European-American models of urban
development. How do these structures function? How do urban
dwellers organise their daily life? What issues are addressed in the
African discourse on the history and future of cities? What positions
do European and African artists take on urbanity in Africa?
The Afropolis exhibition is showcasing five African cities – Cairo,
Lagos, Nairobi, Kinshasa and Johannesburg. The curatorial approach
highlights the interconnectedness of scientific and artistic
concepts, not only exploring urban histories and recent developments, but also presenting 30 artistic viewpoints on issues of urbanity about and from these five cities. The result is a remarkable
synergy of scientific and artistic research, documentary material
and artistic reflection. The works shown in Afropolis include graphic
arts, painting, photography, sculpture, installation, film and video
art, as well as design, comics and weblogs.

Curation: Kerstin Pinther, Larissa Förster, Christian Hanussek
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